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bohr magneton造句

"bohr magneton"是什么意思  
  • Would the value of 6 Bohr magnetons be a good ( order of magnitude ) approximation?
  • The intrinsic electron magnetic dipole moment is approximately equal to the Bohr magneton " ?"
  • Particles with spin have a corresponding spin magnetic moment quantized in units of, the Bohr magneton:
  • One can note that g \ sqrt { J ( J + 1 ) } is the effective number of Bohr magnetons.
  • Electrons orbiting around the nucleus in a current loop create a magnetic field which depends on the Bohr Magneton and magnetic quantum number.
  • The Bohr magneton, which is calculated in the same fashion as the nuclear magneton, is larger than " & mu;"
  • Where is the total angular momentum quantum number, is the Land?" g "-factor, and is the Bohr magneton.
  • I'm currently trying to calculate the dimensionless Bohr Magneton number p eff for CuSO 4 ?H 2 O . The formulae I have are:
  • Because the value for the magnetic moment is inversely proportional to particle mass, the nuclear magneton is about 1 / 2000 as large as the Bohr magneton.
  • Since an electron's spin magnetic moment is constant ( approximately the Bohr magneton ), then the electron must have gained or lost angular momentum through spin orbit coupling.
  • It's difficult to see bohr magneton in a sentence. 用bohr magneton造句挺难的
  • Although the spin angular momentum of an electron is "' ", the intrinsic magnetic moment of the electron caused by its spin is still approximately one Bohr magneton.
  • The magnetic dipole moment of the electron, which is much larger as a consequence of much larger charge-to-mass ratio, is usually expressed in units of the Bohr magneton.
  • Where is the exchange energy, the operators represent the Land?factor, is the Bohr magneton and is the internal field which includes the external field plus any " molecular " field.
  • This is the basis for defining the magnetic moment units of Bohr magneton ( assuming charge-to-mass ratio of the electron ) and nuclear magneton ( assuming charge-to-mass ratio of the proton ).
  • It is essentially a proportionality constant that relates the observed magnetic moment " ? " of a particle to its angular momentum quantum number and a unit of magnetic moment, usually the Bohr magneton or nuclear magneton.
  • The angular momentum of an electron is either + | 2 } } or  " | 2 } } due to it having a spin of, which gives a specific size of magnetic moment to the electron; the Bohr magneton.
  • Where \ boldsymbol { S } is the spin angular momentum vector, \ mu _ \ text { B } is the Bohr magneton and g _ \ text { s } \ approx 2 is the electron spin spin, so the magnetic moment is antiparallel to the spin angular momentum.
  • Where N is the number of magnetic atoms ( or molecules ) per unit volume, g is the Land?g-factor, \ mu _ B ( 9.27400915e-24 J / T or A穖 2 ) is the Bohr magneton, J is the angular momentum quantum number and k _ B is Boltzmann's constant.
  • The constant A is known as the zero field hyperfine constant and is given in units of Hertz . \ mu _ B is the Bohr magneton . \ hbar \ vec J and \ hbar \ vec I are the electron and nuclear angular momentum operators . g _ J and g _ F can be found via a classical vector coupling model or a more detailed quantum mechanical calculation to be:
  • The term symbol for the ground state of atomic iron is 5 D 4, so the quantum numbers are S = 2, L = 2, and J = 4 . ( S is what's usually called " the spin ", because it involves only the intrinsic spins of the electrons, but J is the total angular momentum . ) By my calculations, that makes the Land?g-factor equal to 3 / 2, so the total magnetic moment is 4 * 3 / 2 = 6 Bohr magnetons.
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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